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Utility Announces Upcoming Leadership Changes

Published: 9:10 AM | December 14, 2022

Halifax - December 14 - Halifax Regional Municipality has announced that Cathie O’Toole, Halifax Water’s current General Manager, has been appointed as its new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) (see HRM press release).

As Ms. O’Toole begins her new role on January 1, 2023, the Halifax Water Board of Commissioners is expected to appoint Louis de Montbrun, the current Director of Corporate Services/Chief Financial Officer (CFO), as acting General Manager.  In addition to his current role, Mr. de Montbrun brings significant experience from senior leadership positions with the municipality and Province of Nova Scotia.

Ms. O’Toole has been General Manager of the municipally owned integrated water utility since 2019 and, previous to this, was Halifax Water’s Director of Corporate Services/CFO for eight years.

“On behalf of the Board, I want to thank Cathie for her incredible leadership and contribution to Halifax Water. Over the past 11 years, Cathie and her team contributed significantly to the utility’s ability to meet the ongoing challenges of ageing infrastructure, environmental compliance and growth within the municipality. All while maintaining customer and employee satisfaction”, says Colleen Rollings, Chair of Halifax Water’s Board of Commissioners.

Under Ms. O’Toole’s leadership, Halifax Water has made great strides in board governance; risk management; gender, diversity and inclusion; cybersecurity; rate affordability; cost containment, and overall accountability. This includes modernizing the utility’s customer service with the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project and Customer Connect - a new online customer portal.

Halifax Water’s Board of Commissioners will continue to be engaged throughout this transition period. It remains focused on guiding the organization’s strategic direction, including the satisfaction of customers and employees.

“This is a terrific opportunity for Cathie, and we are delighted for her. Halifax Water’s loss is the Municipality’s gain. The great news is that she isn’t going that far away, and we look forward to continuing a collaborative working relationship with Cathie as she brings extensive experience from the utility and HALIFAX to the role of CAO,” says Rollings.

The search for a new General Manager will begin immediately. This will be a competitive process expected to attract potential candidates internal and external to Halifax Water.

Halifax Water