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South Park St. & University Ave. Upgrades

Infrastructure upgrades will take place on South Park St. & University Ave.

Halifax Water is replacing aging water mains and separating stormwater discharge from the wastewater system in and around South Park Street and University Avenue. This work is part of the utility's 30-year, $4 billion investment commitment to improving aging water, wastewater and stormwater systems.

Once completed, stormwater will be redirected into the harbour, while the wastewater will continue to flow to the Halifax Wastewater Treatment Facility for treatment. This reduces the amount of stormwater entering the wastewater system and will reduce excess strain on the area's wastewater treatment facilities, thus helping them operate more efficiently and making them more reliable for decades to come.

Dexter Construction will be completing this project on behalf of Halifax Water. The safety of staff, contractors, and the public is our top priority during this work.

Project Timeline

Construction is scheduled to start on May 2, 2022, and is expected to continue into November/December 2022.

Project Map
What to Expect

This work requires street excavation for the installation of new infrastructure. Following installation, the work areas will be restored – including repaving the impacted sections of the street. See the attached map for the entire project area.

Traffic control personnel will be on-site during this construction to accommodate the flow of emergency vehicles and manage local traffic. Transit route detours are expected within the project area. Detailed information on transit detours will be communicated in advance of the work. There will be cycle lane and pedestrian route detours through/around this work.

Some customers near this work will be connected to a temporary water supply system to ensure water service. Halifax Water will contact these impacted customers separately. There will be the potential for temporary water service disruptions throughout this work. In a planned disruption, the contractor will provide advance notice to impacted customers. Wastewater and stormwater services will not be interrupted during this work.

As part of this work, Halifax Water will also be working with the contractor to replace any existing lead service lines within this project area. A Downspout Disconnection program will also start for those private properties in and around the project area. Private property owners will receive separate communications about these programs, if applicable to that specific property.

Please follow all public health guidelines when Halifax Water staff or contractors are working in your area to protect our communities and staff.

Peter Maynard, P.Eng
Project Manager, Halifax Water
Corey McNamara
Project Coordinator, Dexter Construction
Customer Care Centre
Halifax Water