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Halifax Recognizes Source Water Protection Week

Sept. 26 to Oct. 2 to focus on protecting Halifax's drinking water sources
Published: 9:00 AM | September 26, 2021
Updated: 9:03 AM | September 27, 2021

Halifax – September 27 - Halifax Water is pleased to announce that the week of September 26 to October 2 has been officially proclaimed as Source Water Protection week in Halifax. His worship, Mayor Mike Savage, made the official proclamation at City Hall.


Source Water Protection Week 2021 Proclamation

Source water refers to the lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater where drinking water comes from. For Halifax Water, this includes the stewardship of nine surface water supply areas (watersheds) and three groundwater supply areas (wellheads) that together provide drinking water to more than 355,000 people throughout HALIFAX; and countless other visitors to the region.  Having a safe and reliable water supply is also critical to support the local economy.  

“Halifax Water is delighted to support and participate in Source Water Protection Week. Our focus is to ensure the safety and health of our drinking water and protecting these water sources is a cost effective way to safeguard public health, our environment and our valuable drinking water,” said Cathie O’Toole, General Manager, Halifax Water.

The goal of source water protection is to maintain or improve the quality of drinking water before it reaches the water supply plant and eventually our taps.   

Throughout the week of September 26 to October 2, Halifax Water will be promoting education and awareness of Source Water Protection through various communications platforms including its website and on social media.



“We are encouraging all residents of Halifax to become more informed and learn where their water comes from and why it is so important to protect these sources for now and for the future,” said O’Toole.

To learn more about Source Water Protection Week and how it related to the valuable water resources for Halifax, please visit Halifax Water - Source Water Protection. To find out where your water comes from check out our app at

Halifax Water